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Viser innlegg fra april, 2024

Why Am I Starting This Blog?

I've been thinking about starting this blog for quite some time and I decided to bite the bullet and actually do it. Why? Because even though Instagram is fun and all that, I felt it didn't quite work out for me the way I wanted. Anyway, let's go back to some time last year. As a book dragon who loves to cook and bake, I naturally have quite a collection of cookbooks (perhaps no shocker there), but I rarely used them. Some? Yes, but most certainly not the vast majority. So I went through them all with page markers (those small sticky post-it style things) and marked each page where I found a recipe I wanted to try that looked interesting and/or tasty. It was a bit labour-intensive as I've got quite a collection of cookbooks, but it was still fun to do. I slowly started working my way, making some of the recipes, while also posting on Instagram and creating a hashtag for the project ( #kristinscookbookproject ). As I mentioned, Instagram is fun and all that, but with th...